Easter Worship Series:
The Heart of the Matter…
Peace be with You!
April 19 – present
All sermons by Rev. Patricia Abell
Bring a meal or snack & gather round for worship as we focus on hearts that are grateful and filled with peace. May your heart be filled with Peace and enter into moment of joy in movement as we center, sing, and pray with one another.
The Heart of the Matter is… LOVE is Our Religion! – Pentecost Sunday
Worship features these elements:
- Prelude/Postlude with Bonnie Inkman, Organist, Pianist
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘Jesus is the Rock’
- Scripture from Acts 2, John 7
Open the Eyes of my Heart – Seventh Sunday of Easter
Hear the blessing … hear the mission… and ponder how will we go forth to love as we have witnessed Jesus love… Open the eyes of my heart, dear Lord! May your heart be filled with peace and enter into moments of joy as we center, sing, and pray with one another. Worship features these elements:
- Prelude/Postlude with Emma Baker, Director of Music, Violin
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘Jesus is the Rock’
- Scripture from Acts 1, Ephesians 1, Luke 24
Kept in my Heart! – Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Prelude/Postlude with Bonnie Inkman, Organist, Pianist
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘Jesus is the Rock’
- Scripture from Acts 2, John 14, 1 Peter 3
No Trouble in my Heart! – Fifth Sunday of Easter
- Prelude/Postlude with Emma Baker, Director of Music, Viola
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘Jesus is the Rock’
- Scripture from Acts 2, John 14, Psalm 31
Hearts Overflowing – Fourth Sunday of Easter
“Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” — Acts 2:46
“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice… I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” — John 10:1-10
Jesus used the metaphor of a shepherd several times in his ministry. In this passage, the sheep know the shepherd’s voice and they follow because this Shepherd offers abundant life. What does a loving Christian community look like? What would it take to live with “glad and generous hearts?”
- Prelude/Postlude with Bonnie Inkman, Organist
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- Special Music: Shepherd Me, O God with flute, piano, and vocalists
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘I’ve Got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy’
- Scripture from Acts 2, John 10, Psalm 23
Straight from the Heart – Third Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2020
“Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth so that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart.” — 1 Peter 1: 22
‘When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “’Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” — Luke 24:
Jesus’ table ministry was a preeminent way that he showed and shared a depth of love unseen in his time. He ate and spent time with those considered unworthy of his attention. Even in his post-resurrection appearances, it was in the breaking of bread that he was “recognized.” As we gather this day, we remember that, at the heart, his message was unconditional love.
- Prelude/Postlude with Emma Baker, Viola
- Singing of Hymns to celebrate the day
- Special Music: For the Healing of the Nations, arranged by Emma Baker
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘I’ve Got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy’
- Scripture from Acts 2, John 20, 1 Peter
With Glad Hearts – Second Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2020
- Prelude/Postlude with Bonnie Inkman
- Singing of Easter Hymns to celebrate the day
- Special Music :Psalm 16: Path of Life
- An opportunity to move & groove with ‘I’ve Got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy’
- Scripture from Acts 2, Psalm 16, John 20